
Your dog’s health should always be kept paramount. In addition to feeding and exercising your dog other aspects of general care are needed to keep your dog healthy throughout its life. We ask that you do your research on the local vets in the area and choose one that you feel confident and comfortable with.


Standard vaccination scedule (your vet will keep you updated)
1st Vaccination - 6-8 weeks - Distemper/Hepatitis/Parvovirus & microchipped
2nd Vaccination - 12-14 weeks - Distemper/Hepatitis/Parvovirus/Parainfluenza/ Bordetella/Corona virus/Leptospirosis NOTE – 1 week after this immunization your puppy will be covered for PARVOVIRUS and able to go out to public places. (check this time with your vet).
3rd Vaccination - 16-18 weeks - Corona virus/Leptospirosis Annual Booster Distemper/Hepatitis/Parvovirus/Parainfluenza/Bortella (titer dependent)

If considering kennelling your puppy With any dog entering high-risk environments such as boarding kennels, it is a good idea to talk to your vet about a Protect Bronchi-Shield lll Intranasal vaccine a few weeks before entering the kennel.

Information regarding over-vaccination of your puppy
Check out this E-book and Path to Wellness it is an online Video Series. It covers; Safe Vaccine Protocols, Raw Diet Foundation, Minimising Toxicity, Exercise & Res, Emotional Balance


Parvovirus in dogs, is a highly contagious disease that affects puppies that are still too young to be vaccinated, puppies within their vaccination course and unvaccinated adult dogs. The virus attacks the lining of the small intestine, leading to severe dehydration, shock and death. Parvovirus is highly contagious and can survive for long periods in the environment. The virus can withstand routine cleaning and weather changes, which means the spread of the virus is hard to control. It can be easily transferred on the paws of dogs and on people’s shoes or other items contaminated with the virus, like bedding or leashes. Parvovirus is shed in the faeces of infected animals, and dogs easily come in contact with these when sniffing the ground when on walks or at the dog park. It is important to understand that you don’t need direct dog-to-dog contact for a dog to become infected with parvovirus. Vaccinating your pet against parvovirus is the only way to protect them from the disease. The vaccination is highly effective and very safe. Around 1 week after the second immunization your puppy will be covered for parvovirus and able to go out to public places. (clarify this with your vet).


Puppies should be wormed every 2 weeks until 12 weeks of age, then every month until 6 months of age. After 6 months all dogs need to be wormed every 3 months for effective protection. We have wormed your puppy here every 2 weeks. Milbemax All- wormer is a safe and well-known wormer.


Remember that 95% of fleas live in the environment so as well as treating the dog, it is also important to treat the environment. Cleaning your dog’s bedding regularly by washing and vacuuming. This will minimize the chance of fresh flea eggs contaminating your environment. There are several flea products to suit your pet’s needs (please consider the gentlest/natural option).


Tick poisoning is caused by the toxic saliva from the female tick ‘ixodes Holocyclus’. This species of tick occurs mostly along the Eastern Australian Coast. Ticks are most commonly active during the warmer months, but they can be around all year, so daily searching of your pet is a must. No product is 100% effective against ticks however there are many tick preventative products on the market. The most common and most effective include: Nexguard and Bravecto chewable tablets. Other products include tick collars, spot-ons etc. If you prefer a more natural product, please do your research. I use essential oils on our dogs due to the harshness of the chemical- based products. Nothing is guaranteed so you need to check your puppys body every day. Ticks can even get into your pups mouth, ears, and nose. Try to keep your dogs out of long grass & bushy areas. 

High Places and Stairs

Please do not let your puppy jump off beds, couches, high verandahs, etc. This can cause spinal fractures in puppies. Always avoid these situations until they are at least 18 months old. Stairs should also be avoided. Puppies running up and down stairs can damage their delicate growth plates, causing long-term damage. If you live in a house with stairs, block the access off to the stairs with a childproof gate or carry them up & down the stairs. This needs to be done until they are fully grown. Avoid - direct running, jumping, indoor/outdoor stairs, fast turns, sudden stops and weaves.